Barbara A. Palmer


Barbara Palmer is an intuitive transformational health and life coach, occupational therapist, author, speaker, and the founder and owner of BP Life Coaching Services, LLC, based in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. She offers a unique combination of spiritual, educational, and vocational training and expertise to provide heart-centered lessons, talks, and activities that inspire and empower her clients. Barbara is a courageous thinker who relies on her faith and relationship with her Infinitely Wise and Loving Creator, whom she affectionately refers to as Abba Avi, meaning Daddy God and Heavenly Father. She acquired this term through attending conferences taught by a Christian rabbi from the tribe of Abraham, where she learned various Hebrew names for God. Deepening that knowledge, Barbara discovered an increased presence of God when incorporating these names into her prayers and meditation, finding solace in their power.

Barbara developed this workbook out of her passion for equipping individuals to experience the benefits of understanding and applying Universal laws and principles, supported by God’s word and supernatural power, that miraculously and positively transforms people’s lives. She firmly believes in Jesus’ message of abundant life and hopes that this workbook will serve as a tool for readers to encounter miracles of healing, newfound joy, and abundant life, as intended by God through Christ. Barbara earnestly desires for her readers to experience close fellowship with God and man by developing a joyful and peaceful reliance on God’s omnipresent Holy Spirit as their source of every good and perfect gift, bestowed upon them as children of God.

Regardless of  a person’s acknowledgment of God, Barbara believes that all humans, are created in the image and likeness of God with the capacity to live each day in peace and harmony with God and others, or in resistance to the ebb and flow of life, using the power of our will and thinking to decide. She wants every person to recognize that the power within them is a spiritual force that desires their health, vitality, and healing. This benevolent power, or spiritual force, can and wants to support us and enable us to thrive regardless of any situation, circumstance, or condition we are facing, have faced, or may ever face.