Barbara A. Palmer


The Healthy Happy Whole: Health and Wellbeing  Workbook is designed to engage and guide readers on a journey of self-reflection and discovery that provides knowledge and practical information to facilitate transformation, resulting in improved health and wellbeing that is evident in our mental, emotional, physical, relational, vocational, financial, and spiritual functioning.

With eleven chapters, each chapter is designed to empower each reader to strengthen their foundation and reconnect them with the power of who they are as offspring of a loving and wise Creator God who is breathing them and sustaining them for a purpose that includes experiencing abundant life and serving others in unique ways according to our passions, gifts, and talents. Readers are encouraged to approach studying the workbook and completing the action items at their own pace. It is also recommended to repeat reading the chapters as needed and desired, and to engage in completing and reviewing the chapter activities as often as necessary. SMART goals are introduced in each chapter, guiding readers to write clear and specific goals that are measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. These goals enable readers to recognize when they are making progress and when they have achieved something more. It is recommended to study the chapters in sequence, as the principles taught in each chapter build upon one another and act as a foundation for the principles presented in later chapters.

Lastly, readers are encouraged to keep this workbook as a resource to be used intermittently as needed.